CE CREDIT HUB | Expert Series™: Special podcast release
arriving at terminal g
A Conversation with a Gas Sterilization Expert - 1 CE
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Gas Sterilization Expert Ted May, President & CEO of the Andersen Products Division of Andersen Sterilizers. We were all about starting the conference off with an intensely honest conversation around Ethylene Oxide (EtO)! During this session we discussed exactly where gas sterilization comes into the conversation around superbug outbreaks and patient safety. What are the most prevalent myths in the healthcare industry today related to gas sterilization and what does the future of gas sterilization look like in the next 5 – 10 years? Tune into this episode to find out!
Do the twist
A Conversation with a Manual Cleaning Expert - 1 CE
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Manual Cleaning Expert Jamie Zarembinski, CCSVP, Clinical Educator at Key Surgical. Has manual cleaning changed at all in the last few years? Are we seeing more or less attention given to it by industry organizations? These are important questions to ask and during this interview, we talked about the people, processes and products that impact a tech's ability to be a high or low-performing manual cleaner. Will we debunk a myth or two about manual cleaning as well? Join us and find out!
making the sterile processing net-work
A Conversation with the Beyond Clean Team - 1 CE
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Beyond Clean team members, Hank Balch (President & co-founder), Lindsay Brown (VP), Michael Matthews (VP), and Adam Okada (Clinical Manager) on the topic of making your Sterile Processing Network...work. The Beyond Clean team came together because of two things: passion and networking. But what exactly is a professional network and what value does it bring to a Sterile Processing professional? This episode was an open book conversation about the power and the pitfalls of networking and what Sterile Processing professionals should and shouldn't do today to build their professional networks. We'd love for you to join us!
not a pipe dream
A Conversation with a Steam Sterilization Expert - 1 CE
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Steam Sterilization Expert Joel Schafer, CRCST, VP Engineering of Sterile Services, LLC. Science, physics, standards, testing, user compliance-- these concepts are all related to steam sterilization and this discussion is bound to make you sweat! Why are bowie dick tests important? What's the deal with IUSS these days? And something we are most excited about: What does the future of steam sterilization have in store for us all? Join us for this HOT topic!
Chemical Warfare
A Conversation with an Enzymatic Expert - 1 CE
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Enzymatic Expert Peggy Spitzer, A.A.S., B.A., MA.Ed., Clinical Education Manager at Certol International. Dive into the brewing debates in the industry related to cleaning chemicals! During this episode we talk about time, dosing, and whether or not its mandatory to use chemicals offered by equipment manufacturers in order to obtain chemical success. What is important for technicians and leaders to do in order to stay safe around harsh chemicals? Don your PPE and tune in to this episode to learn all you've wanted to know about our cleaning chemicals!
water, water everywhere
A Conversation with a Water Quality Expert - 1 CE
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Water Quality Expert Jonathan Wilder, PhD, Managing Director for the Quality Processing Resource Group, LLC. It's raining, it's pouring - water quality KNOWLEDGE! Join us for a discussion soaked in quality. We define some basic terms, talk about the ways water impacts our role in Sterile Processing and the warning signs that things are just not right with your water. Is your water being too aggressive? Join us to find out exactly what you can do about it!
shoulder, knee, & trays
A Conversation with a Vendor Management Expert - 1 CE
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Vendor Management Expert Jeff Wertz, VP Business Development at Surgio Health. During this episode, we paint the picture of a day in the life of a device representative – What are their priorities? What are their challenges? What kind of training do they receive regarding SPD activities? And the burning question: Why are vendor trays so often late? We promise you, this is not an episode you want to miss!