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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Beyond Clean do?
We are a next generation Sterile Processing education, media, and consulting company with a commitment to being the central nexus for the people, processes, and products that are pushing the Sterile Processing industry forward. With a combined 120+ years of healthcare experience, the team at Beyond Clean brings cutting-edge insight and expertise to our partners and to the industry. We are internationally certified Sterile Processing subject matter experts and clinical innovators with a passion to #FightDirty.
How many people listen to the Beyond Clean Podcast?
The Beyond Clean Podcast is downloaded in over 150 different countries around the world. As of early 2022, we've experienced over 650,000 unique downloads of our podcast episodes and are on track to hit 1 million unique downloads by fall of 2022!
Can Beyond Clean help my department?
Absolutely we can! Beyond Clean provides free educational opportunities to help instill best practice and offer any SPD/CSSD tech free CEs if needed. We also provide on-site consultation for a variety of department issues and concerns as well as interim staffing and management.
Why are all your education events FREE?
We are committed to addressing the pay gap that exists in healthcare for Sterile Processing Professionals and until that gap is closed, our commitment to providing free and accessible education stands firm.
Are your CEs good for HSPA & CBSPD? What about for CSTs?
Yes, we approve our educational activities for continuing education credits (CEs) through HSPA (the artist formally known as IAHCSMM) and CBSPD. Many of our events are also approved through the California Board of Registered Nurses for nursing credits and we are working to bring more education to Certified Surgical Techs in 2022.
How do I get involved in what you're doing in the industry?
If you're interested in joining the Beyond Clean Revolution, you can apply to be a part of the Beyond Clean Advisory Group made up of forward-thinking individuals that participate in various paid market research and volunteer industry projects alongside Beyond Clean. Contact Hank Balch ( for more information.
Can you host a conference in my area?
We'd love to! Beyond Clean would love to collaborate on a virtual or live event with your organization. Reach out to
Lindsay Brown ( to discuss this opportunity.
What makes you different from HSPA & CBSPD?
Both HSPA and CBSPD offer accredited certifications and HSPA is a membership organization. Although there are some similarities between our organizations, we complement one another rather than compete with one another. All Beyond Clean educational offerings are approved for continuing education credit through both organizations. Beyond Clean offers healthcare vendors an opportunity to leverage our platform and pay for advertising in similar ways as HSPA and we have formed partnerships with both HSPA and CBSPD.
How do I keep track of everything that is going on through Beyond Clean?
The best way to stay up-to-date on the happenings of Beyond Clean is to follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook). We post what's new and what's upcoming on a daily basis. You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter by clicking here.
How do you choose which companies to work with?
We are a vendor and product agnostic/neutral organization which means we don't have preferences and we offer an opportunity for all healthcare organizations to improve their Sterile Processing resources and reach new audiences. Sterile Processing professionals around the globe deserve it.
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