Endoscopy teams need protocols and supplies to prevent dried soils in endoscopes. Delays and dried soils may lead to biofilm and potential patient infections. The right supplies will help deal with three critical elements for reducing dried soils: Time, time and time!
The time to start endoscopy pretreatment is immediately after procedures are completed. Because endoscopy nurses and technicians are short on time, products or kits intended for bedside precleaning must be easy to use. For example, clinicians need a quick easy way to measure the volume of flushing fluid specified by the manufacturer.
Time is not on your side with immediate bedside cleaning. If the facility uses an enzymatic cleaning solution, the product should be packaged so it is freshly mixed at point of use and validated for fast enzymatic activity at room temperature. Some bedside kit brands claim enzymatic action but test strips may reveal slow or no enzyme action.
Transfer time is limited as full endoscope cleaning must start within one hour from the end of patient treatment. Transport cinch pads used as table covers reduce clean-up time, provide containment of the endoscope and with biohazard markings, clearly label the item as contaminated.
When researching supplies for endoscopy point of use precleaning, test samples of products for ease of use. Use enzyme test strips to verify the product or kit has enzymatic action at room temperature and within 90 seconds. Select products with the features you need to meet the challenge of dried soils and biofilm.